Female sterilization is the most widely used contraceptive method in the world—more than 235 million women opt for it each year and its usage continues to increase. Meanwhile, vasectomy—the annual choice of about 30 million men – continues to plateau, something it’s been doing for 35 years.

Jonathan Stack wanted to change those statistics so five years ago, he co-founded World Vasectomy Day. He’s been creating positive buzz to spark interest and demand for the procedure ever since. This year, World Vasectomy Day is Friday, November 17, 2017 with Mexico serving as the host country.
Just what is World Vasectomy Day?
It is a social media project that unites men, vasectomy providers and health care activists in a mission to increase men’s participation in family planning. Indeed, it is the largest male-oriented family planning event in history.
It is the vasectomy-provider community linked by a list-serv, where doctors share practical information and successful solutions to common challenges.
It is a once-a-year ‘vasectomy-thon’ at which vasectomy providers throughout the world provide high quality vasectomies to men whose families are complete.
It is a live-stream program that is shared across time zones with Skype contributions from men getting vasectomies, vasectomy providers, leaders in family planning, contributions from wives, partners and mothers as well as documentaries and animations produced over the year.
It is an opportunity to educate men and women about a variety of family planning options.
It is a two-week event where World Vasectomy Day staff work with local providers and health care providers to build sustainable vasectomy programs.
It is a year-round effort that builds awareness through communication and community, through collective effort by creating strategic alliances with Ministries of Health, Family Planning organizations and conscientious individuals.
To learn more or to join in the ongoing conversation, click here.