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New Research Findings on MPT User Preferences


@2003, Sammy Ndwiga, Courtesy of Photoshare
@2003, Sammy Ndwiga, Courtesy of Photoshare

On the heels of our recent blog series on contraceptive method acceptability comes new research findings on end-user product preferences of three multipurpose prevention technology (MPT) delivery systems – oral tablets, injections, and the vaginal ring.

Currently under development, MPTs are dual-purpose biomedical interventions that protect women from a sexually transmitted infection, such as HIV, and unintended pregnancy.  Incorporating end-user input into MPT product design preferences would increase the likelihood that a specific technology might successfully advance through clinical trials and be adopted and used consistently by women, once commercialized.

Led by RTI International, researchers in the TRIO* study interviewed 277 Kenyan and South African young women about the acceptability of the three aforementioned MPT delivery forms. The majority (62%) of study participants stated a preference for injections, with 27% choosing oral tablets and 11% opting for the ring.

Significant predictors of preference included past experience with similar contraceptive delivery forms and age; in addition, frequency of use was an important determinant in choice selection. The vaginal ring was three times more preferred by older (25–30) women than younger (18–24) women.

The TRIO study received financial support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. More information is available here.


*TRIO stands for Tablets, Rings, and Injectables as Options for women.



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