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A Call for Concepts: On-demand Contraceptives


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© K4Health Photoshare

Nearly one in four married women in developing countries cites infrequent/no sex as a key reasonwhy they don’t use contraceptives.  For this large subset of women, an on-demand contraceptive could be a welcome addition to the family planning method mix.

To that end, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced an invitation for concept memos to explore the feasibility of developing a novel on-demand contraceptive.

The foundation seeks concept proposals that include:

  • Modeling of the PK/PD parameters needed for a hormonal on-demand method to be as efficacious as other hormonal contraceptives;

  • Design of a diagnostic for detecting or predicting ovulation sufficiently early for an on-demand method to be efficacious;

  • Initial design and feasibility testing of a combined diagnostic and contraceptive product;

  • Initial design and feasibility testing of a hormonal or non-hormonal on-demand method for female use;

  • and/orNovel mechanisms of action appropriate for immediate suppression of oocyte development or release.

The concept memo deadline is Friday, April 28, 2017.  Up to three concept applicants may be invited to submit a full proposal for consideration of a 2-year grant of up to $350,000.


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