Development of a non-surgical approach to permanent contraception could be a game changer in expanding options for women who have completed their family size and are looking for a method of permanent contraception. A non-surgical alternative is of particular interest in low-income countries where surgical options are limited and costly. At the forefront of this effort are researchers at the Oregon Permanent Contraception Research Center (OPERM), led by Jeffrey T. Jensen, MD, MPH.
While nonhuman primates provide the most relevant model for evaluating potential strategies for nonsurgical fallopian tubal occlusion, this resource is expensive and limited. Development of a sub-primate animal model for screening novel approaches prior to testing in primates could improve the pace of discovery and reduce costs. Â OPERM has issued a Request for Proposals, inviting research ideas to develop a new animal model to study the biologic effects of agents administered transcervically on the fallopian tube epithelium and subepithelial tissues, as well as the endometrium and peritoneal surfaces.
One 12-month grant of up to $100,000 in direct costs is planned. Deadline for applications is January 25, 2016 (17:00 PST). To apply, go to and scroll down to the OPERM tab. For more information, contact Keri Brown at