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DHS Program Seeks Feedback on Model Questionnaires


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The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is currently soliciting feedback on its model questionnaires, optional modules, and biomarkers. The purpose of collecting user input is to enhance the DHS-8 tools so that they better meet current and emerging data needs. For example, comments received during the last review and revision in 2014 prompted DHS-7 item revisions that reflected advancements in immunization programs and the addition of items around postnatal care.

Developers are hopeful that this year’s review will be just as instrumental as its last, and they have created two standard forms through which people can request tool changes:

  • Template for Requests for Revisions to the DHS Model Questionnaires, Optional Modules, and Biomarkers for DHS-8

  • Template for Suggested Deletions to the DHS-7 Model Questionnaires and Optional Modules

If you are interested in submitting a request for change, please visit the DHS-8 Questionnaire Review Portal that is now available through March 1st on the DHS User Forum. Specific instructions for how to submit feedback or supporting documentation are available on the portal, however participants are encouraged to contact if they have any questions about the review process.



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