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Four Reasons to Visit the CTI Exchange Today


The following post originally appeared on Breakthroughs, a blog from the Global Health Technologies Coalition. It is reprinted here with permission.

Over the past several decades, overall investment in contraceptive R&D has declined dramatically. The result? Renewed commitment and partnerships will be required to ensure that new contraceptive methods advance through the development pipeline and that access to the final products is affordable and equitable. This is especially true in low-resource settings where unmet need for family planning remains high.

With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, FHI 360 has developed a new website to increase global access to resources that will help move these ideas into practice. Launched in June 2015, the Contraceptive Technology Innovation (CTI) Exchangeincludes a resource library focused on contraceptive research, development, registration, and introduction and a blog that offers timely news, events, and commentary on topics that are moving contraceptive innovation forward.

Here are four reasons you should visit the CTI Exchange today:

1. Diverse partnerships are critical for advancing contraceptive innovation.

A wide range of groups—including donors, academia, nongovernmental organizations, and private industry—will need to work together to find innovative solutions to reduce unmet need for family planning and to bring products to market that better serve women and men around the world. As a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing, the CTI Exchange facilitates the development of these partnerships.

2. New and existing resources are at your fingertips.

Looking for information related to contraceptive R&D, regulatory requirements, quality assurance, or advocacy? The CTI Exchange’s resource library provides easy access to more than 130 resources and is frequently updated to incorporate new releases. Several of GHTC’s resources are included, and the Global Health Regulatory Requirements Database is currently a “featured resource” on the site.

3. A new database highlights contraceptive products in the development pipeline.

A new key resource on the CTI Exchange—Calliopethe Contraceptive Pipeline Database—includes information about more than 170 contraceptive products that are in development or are being marketed on a limited basis. The database can be used to explore past and ongoing product development efforts, identify opportunities for future investments, and learn about products that may be available in the near future.

4. Your knowledge and experiences can be shared widely.

Through its resource library and blog, the CTI Exchange facilitates the sharing of information among a global consortium of partners. Because your knowledge and experience is needed to grow the site, the CTI Exchange invites you to participate. Contribute resources. Write blog posts. Ask questions. Visit the exchange today!



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