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Help shape the future of contraceptives


Avenir Health is asking for your help to shape the future of contraceptives by taking and sharing a survey about preferences on contraception. The project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will use the survey responses to inform the creation of new methods.

The survey is available online here in English, French, and Spanish.

This project will add to the body of research focused on understanding user needs, concerns, and preferences related to contraception, which is critical to developing contraceptive technologies that are well liked, meet users’ needs, and lead to better family planning outcomes. Other efforts have included research in Burkina Faso and Uganda to assess user preferences for six family planning methods currently under development, as well as the Contraceptive Technology (CT) Innovation Lab, which used a human-centered design approach in Kenya and India to facilitate “insight-driven ideation” for future contraceptive technologies.


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