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Report on the International Family Planning Landscape

© Center for Global Development and Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation
© Center for Global Development and Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation

The Center for Global Development (CGD) and Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) held an international family planning leadership retreat from January 18-19, 2018 to discuss the current landscape of the field and approaches for moving forward. A summary report of these discussions was released and details the main ideas from the meeting.

The focus areas discussed in the retreat were financing and policy changes, country transitions, and commodities. In the discussion of family planning commodities, leaders addressed the uncertainty of future donor support and identified strategies to meet contraceptive commodity needs. One of the key ideas discussed was to improve resource allocation collaboration over the short-, medium-, and long-term. Within this approach, participants identified the longer-term need for resources for contraceptive development to grow the method mix, emphasizing the need for investment in contraceptive research and development.


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