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Upcoming International Convenings

Founded in 1975, the American Society of Andrology (ASA) is a unique partnership of scientists and clinicians with over 600 members from all over the world. The Society exists to promote scientific interchange and knowledge of the male reproductive system by cultivating a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of male reproduction and health. Learn more about their annual conference taking place in California on May 7-10, 2022 here.

The 16th Congress of the ESC will take place on May 25-28, 2022 in Ghent, Belgium and the theme will be "Challenging times, are we ready? Novel approaches to sexual and reproductive health." During this congress participants will be invited to focus on a number of themes which are at the heart of this evolution, including new views on abortion and contraception; STI’s and innovative solutions; social media, LGTB+ communities, and sexual liberation; sexual violence and (dys)function; and values, ethics and policy making. Learn more here.

DIA 2022 Global Annual Meeting

The DIA 2022 Global Annual Meeting returns in-person on June 19-23 in Chicago, IL, USA to bring industry, regulators, academics, and patients together to co-create, problem-solve, and discuss global and local challenges facing professionals in the life sciences community. Register by May 13 to get the best rates and learn more here.

SSR's Annual Meeting will take place in Spokane, WA this year from July 26-29, 2022. The theme of the meeting is, “Reproduction: Odyssey of Discovery”. The SSR Annual Meeting is the event to attend for the latest insights in reproductive research. The deadline to submit abstracts is Tuesday, February 22nd at 11:59 PM EST. Register and find more information on the meeting site here.

Join the 2022 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) on November 14-16, 2022 in Pattaya City, Thailand. ICFP serves as a strategic inflection point for the family planning and reproductive health community worldwide. It provides an opportunity to disseminate knowledge, celebrate successes, and identify next steps toward reaching the goal of universal access to family planning systems, services and products by convening civil society, youth organizations, academia, governments, businesses, cities, parliaments, trade unions, media and more. Learn more about the meeting here.

Join the Society of Family Planning in Baltimore, MD, US December 3-5 for an annual meeting as they bring together scholars, clinicians, and partners from a range of disciplinary and specialty backgrounds who are united by a shared interest in advancing science that will lead to more just and equitable abortion and contraception. The event will give you the opportunity to attend a variety of sessions, learn the latest and best research in the field of family planning, and foster relationships with more than 1,200 expected attendees. Learn more here.

Past convenings are listed below. Keep an eye out for information about next year's event and for any conference recordings and materials that might become available.

In October 2021, the International Federation of Genecology and Obstetrics will host over 8,000 delegates virtually to learn, educate, exchange ideas, build alliances and propose concrete solutions to the important challenges in women's sexual and reproductive health and rights. The official virtual congress will take place from October 21-28, 2021, with pre-congress workshops starting from 2 October. Learn more about joining the FIGO 2021 World Congress here!

Population Association of America’s Annual Meeting

The Population Association of America’s annual meeting was held April 6-9, 2022 online and in Atlanta, Georgia. PAA is the premier conference of demographers and social and health scientists from the United States and abroad. Recordings from the meeting are now available on the online conference platform.


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