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Upcoming Webinar: MPT End-User Research: Updates from the Field

In a CTI Exchange blog published last month, Vanetta Thomas and Laura Dellplain discussed the importance of acceptability research in designing multi-purpose technologies (MPT).  MPTs are being developed to protect women from pregnancy and one or more sexually transmitted infections.

Recent MPT acceptability findings will be shared at an upcoming webinar, “MPT End-User Research:  Updates from the Field,” sponsored by the Initiative for MPTs (IMPT). Moushira El-Sahn and Jeff Lucas from Routes2Results, Barbara Friedland of the Population Council, and Alexandra Minnis from RTI International will discuss their research on user preferences of potential MPT product types, drivers of future product use, and other end-user considerations.

The webinar will be held Thursday, September 28, at 10:00 EDT. To register, click here.



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