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Wondering What’s New In Contraceptive R&D Investments & Resources? Check out the event recording!


What's New in Contraceptive R&D Investments & Resources?

On August 26, 2020, Policy Cures Research and the CTI Exchange hosted a virtual event to review contraceptive R&D investments and resources. The event shared information about the launch of Policy Cures Research’s new G-FINDER report on R&D investment in sexual and reproductive health, and the CTI Exchange resources for understanding the current R&D landscape, including the refreshed contraceptive pipeline database, Calliope. A panel from FHI 360, Policy Cures Research, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation discussed the history and future of contraceptive R&D.

The event had participants from 20+ countries and 50+ organizations, representing the non-profit/NGO sector, academia, Ministries of Health, pharmaceutical companies, donors, and many more. Thank you to all who joined and contributed to an engaging discussion!

Weren't able to make it?

A recording of the event can be found here and slides here!

Quick links to the resources covered can be found below:

CTI Exchange

Policy Cures Research



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